Combines Two Faces Into One! (@Morphthing.com)
Have you ever try to Morph your photo's to those people who wants you to be look like?like your most admired model(s) or celebrities many be..if not, you better try it, because it is really fun, imagine you can see your fav celeb and you as one..lol
Try to look out what ive done in Morphthing.com
the visible picture on the left and right is non other than mister dennis trillo one of the hottest actor right now here in the philippines while in the middle one was me ofcourse..lol
after I've done morphing those picture's this will be the outcome..What do you think?i still look like this photo or not?maybe not,right!because he still look like dennis trillo..lol anywayz i hope you will try it as well and lemme see what is the outcome of your morphing...